Two months have gone by, almost three, and summer's slowing down to a nice, balmy end. I turned 28 on July 24th, and Ash turned 26 so we all went out for a tame night on the town.
In August I made a trip to one of the most beautiful spots on the planet last month--Wind Rivers, WY. A friend, Susan, and I braved the 5-day journey by ourselves, and lived to tell (enthusiastically) about it.
Coolest thing: watching Susan catch a fish.
Gnarliest thing: my duck-taped feet.
Scariest thing: waking up to the snuffling sounds of a bear a few feet from my head one night. I prepared to grab the bear spray (can you believe one can costs fourty bucks from REI?!) we had strategically placed between our sleeping bags, my veins coursing with adrenaline, and I realized it was Susan. Snoring. It took me a good hour and a half to wind down after that. :)
Most disappointing thing: all the other people who thought it was the best place on the planet to be that week too. It felt a little like Disneyland at times. Geez.